Mcm nk tunggu kelahiran baby sendiri coz siang mlm tunggu bile la hitam nk beranak…21/3 before solat jumaat I prepare the bedding set for hitam, xlame pastu die da mula kais bedding sets…inside the cage I put dry leaves and hitam prepare her bedding by herself,supprisingly!!!!morning on 22/3 die da mule cabut bulu and x sedar pun yng hitam beranak since terdengar bunyi inside bedding…5eko anak hitam and xsure lagi what colors bcause its too early and hitam da penuhkan bedding tue ngn bulu die,anak die xbape nmpk sgt…alhamdullilah when I check this early morning,all of babies da berisi and perut pun buncit sket….gambar ni aku snap latest la,ms nk clean up the cage....for your info,dun u ever touch the babies with ur hand...lets the nature handle...b4 hitam branak,die xbape active and lemah...mkn pun xbyk,slalu la aku usap kepala die...bagi die tenang,moral supports very important...after delivered,mak ai mkn byak,yela she lost energy...so we should re-boost with vegetables, palets and hays....i pray lots for hitam n her babies....grow baby grow!!!!!
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