Ni nk share sket la, my dad mmg benci kucing.igt lagi ms kcik dlu abah pernah buang kucing kesygan…ermmm,at last I’m also xsuke kucing n ader tkt jgk la bile time kucing ngesel2 or yg tetibe nk mengejar…hahahha,masa blaja kat Melaka dulu,slalu gak housemate takutkan dgn cakaran kucing…huhuhu…but everything have been changed withn SUE!!!!!ntah cmner tetibe ada kucing pendatang tanpa izin tdo atas lawn chairs myb ada orang buang kot,at first cm xsuke tp since sue faham arahan n sangat manja…kitorg family dah syg kat die…sue very brilliant n manja…abah pun syng sgt kat sue,nk tergelak juga bile tgk abah yg bli friskies tok sue coz very contra compare to b4 this…alhamdulilah sue Berjaya ubah perception my whole family bout cats especially my luvly dad,mak pulak kalau panggil sue 1 taman dengar sebab sue ni bisu n x kuar suara sgt,mak ingat sue pun pekak juga…hhahahah…now sue dah bunting, so my sister Ngah da prepare bedding to her…pastu yg istimewa tentang sue, mata die cm ade sinar yg attractrative…kire Angelina Jolie versi kucing la…hehehe…so now sue dah iktiraf as our new members…sue cm guardian of entrance la n also guardian for our rabbits…sue as new stars!!!!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Never-ending of Anxiety
Fuhh…oh my goodness, bunnies da mula nmpak bulu,hehehe...2 bunnies seems like theirs granma with black circle on eyes, another 1 with white dominant, black like mother and last 1 I think combination of 3 colors, brown white and black which new color for me so far. Next week I’m won’t be here to check them all the time, hopefully family akan jaga diorg ni , since all fmily members passionate with rabbits s well….actually da byk org tnyer especially my relatives. Actually I have experience before. Adik sepupu nangis cam nk rak bcoz he want my rabbits,atas dasar kasihan sgt2 bagi la sekor free of charge…but so sad recently da mati pun rabbit yg brown color tue…sedih sgt n marah pun ader…so I’ve learned….jgn harap nk jaga kalau stkat nk mmbunuh rabbits,it’s violent against animals!!!!!!:/
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 bunnies

Mcm nk tunggu kelahiran baby sendiri coz siang mlm tunggu bile la hitam nk beranak…21/3 before solat jumaat I prepare the bedding set for hitam, xlame pastu die da mula kais bedding sets…inside the cage I put dry leaves and hitam prepare her bedding by herself,supprisingly!!!!morning on 22/3 die da mule cabut bulu and x sedar pun yng hitam beranak since terdengar bunyi inside bedding…5eko anak hitam and xsure lagi what colors bcause its too early and hitam da penuhkan bedding tue ngn bulu die,anak die xbape nmpk sgt…alhamdullilah when I check this early morning,all of babies da berisi and perut pun buncit sket….gambar ni aku snap latest la,ms nk clean up the cage....for your info,dun u ever touch the babies with ur hand...lets the nature handle...b4 hitam branak,die xbape active and lemah...mkn pun xbyk,slalu la aku usap kepala die...bagi die tenang,moral supports very important...after delivered,mak ai mkn byak,yela she lost we should re-boost with vegetables, palets and hays....i pray lots for hitam n her babies....grow baby grow!!!!!
Welcome AMADE!!!!

Yang hitam manis ni baru beli,xsampai sebulan lagi…kat petshop raub with price,rm20 bcoz dlu aku pernah audit kedai dier…so the price cheapest compare to k.l…..lion head ni kat k.l rm90,ermmm dlu dah berangan nak angkat lion head kat carre4 wgsmj,tp duit xckp beb….dapt gak baka baik…jantan betina xatau lg,amade ni kecik lagi….xpandai nk tengok 2gu besar sket kot…..amade ni manja and ada jugala die kencing atas pipi, baju, kain,karpet kitorg….amade n comot jadi teman aku kat umah sewa nanti…xla sunyi….
Hero and 2 heroin....

Actually da banyak yg jual,so this is the latest….dark circle around eye male and the rest are girls which are HITAM and ComoT….actually all them very tame…bole didodoi atas riba,terus tido beb….dorg nie la pengubat hati masa tension….it’s right to say that pets is the best solution for peoples to release all the problems…dalam islam,pelihara binatang dapat pahala,tambah lagi dibela dgn ksh syg…..tiap hari,masa time menganggur dulu diorg nie la wat aku happy….because of rabbits also I got job already….thank you rabbits…. comot and my new rabbit will move to my new house....sian kat mak n abah kna jg banyak sgt rabbits kat kmpg tue.....
Jonker walk’s bunnies

4 eko ni beli kat jonker walk mallaca….lots of pets down there,chincila,hamsters and even dogs and many more with affordable price…2 rabbits was mine and the rest goes to my friends….bile da hbs study kat mallaca, terfikir lak mane nk letak 2 eko anak rabbits nie since puteh da ader 5 anak…so i sold to my friends..Unfortunately 2 rabbits died, white and grey color….in memories……..;(
Puteh’s babbies


Masa pratikal kat k.f.yap consultancy, allowances susut because I bought 2 cross rabbit, the coco’s color and also the yellow one…with full set cage only RM 60…beli kat aquarium dolphin Bandar raub,quite cheap….minat nyer pasal,berhabis pun xper…huhuhu…at last my dad, also share the same hobby or even family as well…tokey petshop kata both boy n girl but mmg xbole cayer,2 eko jantan….so during I shopping in carrefour wangsamaju, the white one have been bought RM70…memang giler la,siang mlm main ngn rabbits, tangan ni x sah ngan kesan cakar diorg especially during shower,yela rabbits xmcm kucing,xbole smpan kuku….start ngan 3 ekor rabbits nie,I have learned lots bout rabbits through reading, friends and also experience. …3 rabbits have been sold after the first babies or PUTEH born in 23 nov 2008…dah ader cucu r kire…huhuhuuh

Hello,this is my second blog after epetscorner new job and have to move somewhere. all viewers also can find lil'bit more bout pets there as well.....having pets actually become my current hobby,I’ve started in 2007..actually dah lama simpan angan2 nak ader rabbits since I was in primary school, family x benarkan,smelly la,whatever…but when I was 24,dream come true hehehehe,….hopefully we can share lots bout rabbits or even we can exchange this wonderfull pets… just give your comments or even opinion….ermmm mane la tau ade yg baik hati offer to me,adoption for Holland lop,angora,dwarf ke….hopefully la kan…by the way, I will open for sale!!!ok have a nice day….
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